I now feel confident that I've built a base of cardiovascular fitness that can allow me, as long as I don't get injured, to build up fast over the next 9 months to get ready for the Marathon des Sables in April 2012.
Much as I would have liked to have started seriously at a far earlier time (back in 2009, when I joined the Wait-list) it needs to be recognised that training for an event such as the Marathon des Sables can lead to burn-out, if not injury, well before the event itself. And not just on a physical level but mentally too.
Some would argue that 9 months (OK: 15 months if you include the light work I've done over the last 6 months) of hard training for this event isn't enough and I'd agree for someone who has literally done nothing most of their lives. Fortunately I come from a background of having put myself through some hard training (albeit some years ago now) so my body will recall and accept some of the upcoming training as "the norm". The old saying is true that events such as this become predominantly a mental battle over a body that starts giving up.
What's critical for the Marathon des Sables is recovery from each session and reaching a point where the body will accept getting up the next day and doing it again . . . and again . . . and again.
That will require consecutive day training as well as some big mileages.
My plan for the next 9 months in training for the Marathon des Sables is as follows:
- keep to no more than a 10% increase in the weekly total mileage
This is the standard approach for any training programme: numerous studies prove that any greater increase very quickly leads to breakdowns and injury.
- until the last couple of months (January/February 2012) not having more than 3-4 run or run/walk sessions per week
For similar injury-prevention reasons and to ensure a peak of fitness at the right time. The Marathon des Sables is not just about putting one foot in front of the other for 150 miles (there's the other test of carrying heavy kit) and the event does not permit advance kit drops, which would be difficult anyway as no-one knows the route of the course until the day before it starts! Upper body fitness sessions shouldn't be underestimated and will need attention too so the body is prepared for carrying up to 15kg in weight for 7 days. A couple of sessions a week of weights and core stability work will be needed in addition to the run/walk sessions.
- get used to an increasing weight in the rucksack over the coming months
I'll have to get used to this at some point and personally I think the earlier the better. Carrying extra weight does though change foot-strike in both the running and walking phase of the gait cycle so care needs to be taken not to take on too much too soon and end up with an injury. I'm aiming to leave the UK with a maximum rucksack weight of 10kg before adding the water, distress flare and cooking fuel that I'll collect in Morocco.
- a 3 week/1 week cycle
In other words, build up the longest run and total weekly mileage progressively over a 3 week period with the fourth week being a "do as I please" week to ensure optimal recovery for the next 3 week/1 week cycle. 9 months is a long training period so hammering it week in and week out won't work.
- weights and core stability session
As I mention above a couple of these sessions a week will be needed to help delay the inevitable body breakdown.